2025 Flooring Trends: The Future of Sustainable and Innovative Solutions
As we move into 2025, the flooring industry is evolving, focusing on sustainability, technology, and design. Homeowners and businesses seek flooring that combines eco-friendly practices, enhanced durability, and cutting-edge technology.
Mohawk Sustainability Estimator: Taking a New Eco-Friendly Approach to Flooring
In 2023, the brand new Mohawk Sustainability Estimator helps homeowners to understand the eco-friendly impact of their flooring. Overall, most Illinois residents probably do not know the effect of their floor’s carbon footprint, quantitatively or otherwise.
Sustainable Flooring: Eco-Friendly Technology That Promote a Healthy Environment
In recent years, sustainable flooring practices became more prevalent in the customer decision-making process. Typical flooring considerations like color, texture, material, durability, style, and price now give way to concerns with a flooring’s sustainability and impact on the environment.